

1. What is Physiotherapy?

“Physiotherapy” is a branch of modern medical science which includes examination, assessment, interpretation, physical diagnosis, planning and execution of treatment and advice to any person for the purpose of preventing, correcting, alleviating and limiting dysfunction, acute and chronic bodily malfunction including life saving measures via chest physiotherapy in the intensive care unit, curing physical disorders or disability, promoting physical fitness, facilitating healing and pain relief and treatment of physical and psychological disorders through modulating psychological and physical response using physical agents, activities and devices including exercise, mobilization, manipulations, therapeutic ultrasound, electrical and thermal agents and electrotherapy for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

2. Whom do we call a “Physiotherapist” ?

“Physiotherapist” is a qualified professional who has acquired all the above mentioned knowledge and skills for entry into practice after being awarded a bachelor degree in the subject of “Physiotherapy” from a recognized institute affiliated to the University conducting a fulltime course not less than four years and six months of internship.Physiotherapists assess and provide hands-on treatment and exercise prescription to address movement dysfunction. Physiotherapists also plan and implement individual treatment programs to prevent physical disabilities. Physiotherapists graduate with a Bachelors degree in Physical Therapy (BPT) and do Post graduate Masters Degree in physical therapy (MPT) from government recognized universities affiliated with UGC.

Physiotherapist Work independently in private clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centres, long term facilities, home care, industry and schools as well as sports teams and in close association with Physicians, Surgeons, Neurologist, Orthopedic and other members of Medical team. 

3. What do Physiotherapist Do?

Physiotherapists are highly trained health professionals who provide treatment for people suffering from physical problems arising from injury, disease, illness and ageing. Many people may be of the opinion that physiotherapists mainly work with back and sports related injuries, but they would be very mistaken. The prime activities of any physiotherapist is get your body moving to the best of your functional capacity, eliminating pain. Using a mix of hands-on treatments like manual therapies to stretch stiff joints & muscles to therapeutic massages to loosen tight muscles to using machines and equipment to address pain related issues. Physiotherapists assists not only to diagnose the main reason behind the pain but also work towards complete elimination of pain from your body system so that you can lead a normal, healthy and pain free life.

Works Done by Physiotherapist Includes: 

• Access and analyze your mobility, strength and endurance relative to the effect of illness, disability, injury and inactivity.
• Develop a specific treatment plan based on their assessment and your goals to restore movement and reduce limitations, including pain.
• Prescribe and demonstrate specific therapeutic exercises, monitor your progress over time, and adjust your treatment according to the needs and preferences.
• Prepare you for independence with advice on how to manage the condition, including education on complications and prevention of a recurring problem.
• Physiotherapists treat a broad range of conditions that affect the musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.
• Physiotherapists are committed to improving their techniques through clinical trial research. Actively researching and measuring treatment techniques allow physiotherapists to validate their approach and continually enhance the quality of clinical care.
• In addition, practicing physiotherapists actively continue their education to keep up to date on the latest treatments and technologies. Because you have specific needs, you can refer to recognized experts.
• From incontinence management to neurological rehabilitation to the management of respiratory disorders to the full range of musculoskeletal conditions, you will find a physiotherapist with the required specialized knowledge and hands-on skill.

• A cornerstone of physiotherapy is patient education and self-management. Physiotherapists know that best practice for patient care.


4. Can Physiotherapy get rid of my problem?

As the Physiotherapist assess and analyze your problems and address them one by one; the best efforts are made by the team to make you get rid of your problem fully. You may be asked to follow certain precautions and home exercises after completion of your treatment. The Physiotherapist will provide easy tips and tricks so that you can fully recover from your problem.


5. Is Physiotherapy the best Solution to Pain?

If the pain is the problem, then physiotherapy of course is the best solution. The physiotherapy has been a handy tool against pains from minor and major; and is always the first line of treatment to cure pain or injuries. Physiotherapy is that aspect of today’s medical science that aims at giving rest from discomfort and pain without involving the use of drugs or surgical/operative interventions. Thus you can always look forward to your physiotherapist to get rid of your pain.

6. What is the duration of a Physiotherapy session?

The duration of Physiotherapy session depends on the Patient’s condition. The duration of Physiotherapy session may last from 20-90 minutes. An average treatment session is about 45 minutes duration. The time duration of session depends on the patient exercise capabilities and comfort level. The therapist will work with full efficiency to ensure effective use of time.  

7. How long I need to take Physiotherapy sessions?

Therapist will set a goal after first or second visit to achieve optimum improvement. End result depends on effort by therapist and patient. 

Physiotherapy is used to help restore movement and normal function back to the body in cases of injury, disability, and illness. Each individual case is different in how it has affected the body and therefore the time that someone will need physiotherapy treatment can vary.

Those who have had the condition for a long time or have a congenital problem or held off dealing with it for a while will take long to recover. Also if you do not follow the treatment on a regular basis as instructed by the Therapist you may take a long time to recover or may not recover at all. So do not miss your sessions, and do your stretchings and exercising at home as guided by your Therapist. You can ask about the expected recovery period from your therapist.